

Welcome to Atal Adarsh Vidyalaya Laxmi Bai Nagar

Atal Adarsh Vidyalaya Laxmi Bai Nagar was established in 1963. For a long period it was called N P Co-ed Sr Sec. School , Laxmi Bai Nagar. In the mid-seventies the school was upgraded to a middle school. In 1989 it was upgraded to a Secondary School. In year 2014-15  the school was upgraded to a senior secondary school. Urdu has been an integral part of the school for long. There are Urdu medium sections, along with Hindi medium sections in the primary. Urdu as a language is offered in the primary classes. This is one of the few NDMC schools which offers the streams i.e. Humanities, Commerce.

Message from Our Vice-Principal

As the Principal of the school, I feel honored and privileged to be part of an Educational Institution there every stakeholder is a learner and every day is an opportunity to learn and discover we look at ourselves as a community of learner, where everyone learn including teachers and parents. The Golden years in school are not about lessons and Homework’s but about the development of personality, character and the responsible citizen of the country. In these tough times when the country is facing the worst ever experience due to Covid -19, it is the responsibility of the school to create some budding talents who can become instrumental in driving the country back to its glorious time.

“The Environment is where we all need, where we all have mutual an interest, it is the one thing all of us share.”

Saving Environment is the need of the hour. It is our responsibility to raise awareness regarding Environmental Crisis that the world is facing these days. If we don’t take care of our planet, soon humankind will be in great danger. Change begins when we step up and volunteer to work towards it. We can plant small samplings at our homes & schools to make up for enormous loss of trees and tree plantation in schools must be done from time to time to motivate the students to do the same in neighboring area.

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